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日期: 2023-05-06      信息来源:      点击数:

报告题目:Global smooth solutions to the compressible Euler equations for Chaplygin gas and related models

报 告 人:王玉柱教授

报告摘要:In this topic, global smooth solutions to compressible Euler equations for Chaplygin gases and are investigated. For three dimensional Chaplygin gases, based on the new formulation of the compressible Euler equations introduced by J. Luk and J. Speck, we first show that the wave system satisfied by the modified density and the velocity for Chaplygin gases verifies the weak null condition. Then we can prove the global existence of the smooth solutions to the irrotational and isentropic Chaplygin gases without introducing the potential function when the initial data are prescribed as small perturbations to the given constant state. For two dimensional compressible Euler equations with the rotational Coriolis forcing, global smooth solutions are established under the assumption of small data and zero relative vorticity. The proof is based on the effect of Klein-Gordon equations, the        estimate, the ghost weight energy estimate and the bootstrap argument.

报告人简介:王玉柱,华北水利水电大学数学与统计学院副院长、教授、博士生导师、河南省高层次人才、河南省优秀青年科技专家、华北水利水电大学“大禹学者”特聘教授。在Comm.Partial Differential Equation、J.Differential Equations等期刊上发表论文50余篇。主持完成国家自然科学基金项目面上项目和青年项目各1项、主持河南省科技创新杰出青年项目、河南省高校科技创新人才支持计划及河南省高校重点科研项目基础研究专项各1项。主持、参与获省部级科学技术奖励4项。


报告地点:腾讯会议 658-811-713





辽宁大学数学与统计学院   电话:024-62202209

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