为了进一步打造我院良好的学术文化环境,持续提高师生们的学术水平、逐步阔宽研究视野,我院有幸邀请到了Texas A&M University助理教授 吴健超为我院做学术报告。报告主要内容如下:
The rational strong Novikov conjecture is a deep problem in noncommutative geometry. It implies important conjectures in manifold topology and differential geometry such as the (classical) Novikov conjecture on higher signatures and the Gromov-Lawson conjecture on positive scalar curvature. Using C*-algebraic and K-theoretic tools, we prove that the rational strong Novikov conjecture holds for any discrete group admitting an isometric and proper action on an admissible Hilbert-Hadamard space, which is a (typically infinite-dimensional) generalization of complete simply connected nonpositively curved Riemannian manifolds. As a result, our result implies the rational strong Novikov conjecture holds for geometrically discrete subgroups of the group of volume preserving diffeomorphisms of a closed smooth manifold. This is joint work with Sherry Gong and Guoliang Yu.
题目:The rational strong Novikov conjecture, groups of diffeomorphisms, and Hilbert-Hadamard spacess
报告人简介:吴健超, Vanderbilt University Ph.D,Novikov猜想方面专家。